2023 © Equilibrium Institute
- “16 year olds should vote too!” The newspaper entitled Jelen has published an article on our policy paper discussing democracy
- “Future skills – future education” conference
- “NATO after the Vilnius Summit: assessment from a Hungarian perspective” – the Equilibrium Institute organised a joint conference with NATO for the second time
- “A new era of security policy awaits Central Europe” – The Equilibrium Institute organized joint conference with NATO
- 24.hu has published a review about our vision for Hungary
- 444.hu invited Tamás Boros, the director of EIB and Daniel Bartha, EIB’s director for foreign affairs for an interview
- 444.hu wrote about our online event detailing economic growth
- 444.hu wrote about our policy proposals on education
- A detailed analysis of our economic paper on the online newspaper telex.hu.
- A detailed report about our policy paper presentation on education
- A new project with CIPE
- An article about our latest policy recommendations on education has been published on 24.hu
- Article by Index on a conference about the EU’s future with Gabor Fillipov’s guest appearance
- As part of a Visegrad 4 cooperation, we have started a new project on the decarbonization of the industrial sector
- Bahír.hu published an article about our air pollution study
- Become a supporter of the Equilibrium Institute!
- Beyond Covid-19: Economic crisis management and the future of cohesion policy in the EU
- Browse the website of the EUKI project!
- Budapest Workshop on Strengthening Women’s Networks in Foreign and Security Policy
- CEID joins the Equilibrium Group
- City Diplomacy Index methodology
- Daniel Bartha at the 7th edition of Congress 590
- Daniel Bartha spoke about Hungary’s future regional cooperation opportunities
- Dániel Bartha was the guest of Heti Tv in a program, where they discussed the foreign policy of the USA, China and Russia
- Daniel Bartha, the think tank’s director for foreign affairs was the guest of Civil Rádió.NET ‘s radio show, called 117 perc
- Decarbonisation of the Industrial Sector – Sustainable Finance as an Opportunity?
- Decarbonization and Just Transition Experiences in the V4 Countries
- Decarbonization and Just Transition Experiences of the V4 countries
- Decision-makers reflected on our ideas
- Diána Ürge-Vorsatz joins the Advisory Board of the Equilibrium Institute
- Discussion in the television program entitled “Egyenes beszéd” about our policy paper on civic education reform
- Discussion with Gábor Filippov published by Hírklikk.hu, about the Equilibrium Institute’s goals and the importance of crafting policy
- Economic forecast of the Equilibrium Institute – Autumn 2022
- Engaging young experts
- Environmental policies I.
- Environmental policies II.
- Equilibrium Institue’s first in-person conference this year: Hungary 2030
- Equilibrium Institute has become the Hungarian Institutional Partner at the NATO Public Forum 2024
- Equilibrium Institute’s New Policy Proposal on Air Pollution Regulation is Out Now
- Eszter Götz has written a short review on our book entitled Hungary 2030
- European Café – The Dragon in Europe – What should be the EU policy on China?
- Executive summary: Financial and geopolitical challenges
- Filippov Gábor was the guest of the show entitled Fókuszban in the Szeged Televízió channel. Our director of research was talking to Judit Balogh.
- Forbes Hungary published Tamás Boros’ article
- Francis Fukuyama gave a lecture on the opening on the Equilibrium Institute’s conference series
- Gábor Filippov appeared on Klubrádió to talk about our policy paper on civic education reform
- Gábor Filippov gave an interview for the newspaper “168 óra”
- Gábor Filippov talked about the opportunites opened up by the pandemic
- Gábor Filippov talked to the podcast of the newspaper “168 óra” about our study on air pollution
- Gábor Filippov was the guest of Egon Rónai on atv
- Gábor Filippov was the guest of the radioshow hetes stúdió
- Gábor Filippov was the guest on the show entitled “Keljfeljancsi”, hosted by the newspaper 168 óra
- Gábor Filippov, our director for research was the guest of the show, Hetes on Klubrádió radio
- Gábor Filippov, political scientist and historian, EIB’s director for research on “HVG Terasz”
- Gábor Filippov, the Equilibrium Institute’s director for research was the guest of atv.hu
- Gábor Filippov’s interview with the online newspaper, 24.hu
- Gabor Filippov’s guest apperance in ATV, where he was asked about our education policy proposals
- Gabor Filippov’s interview with Spirit Fm about our policy recommendations on education
- Geopolitical priorities of the Biden administration in Central Europe – An exclusive discussion with US experts from Washington D.C.
- Gergely Simon talked to atv about our paper on air pollution
- How can every Hungarian get a fair chance?
- How can we become wealthier?
- How can we become wealthier?
- How can we renew democracy?
- How can we renew democracy?
- How can we renew the Hungarian energy system by 2030?
- How do we achieve climate neutrality?
- How do we become a digital nation?
- How do we become a healthy nation?
- How do we become a smart nation?
- How do we become a smart nation?
- How do we reduce poverty?
- How do we teach democracy?
- How does the Three Seas Initiative connect the Central and Eastern European region?
- How should the system of checks and balances be recalibrated?
- How should we increase the energy security of Hungarian municipalities?
- How should we increase the energy security of Hungarian municipalities? II.
- How should we make our cities more attractive?
- How should we make our state more effective?
- How to get fresh air? I.
- How to get fresh air? II.
- How to help Hungarian companies strengthen?
- How to make the state more effective?
- How to manage the green transition?
- Hungarian heavy industry decarbonisation
- Hungary 2030 – A Future Vision for Hungarians
- HVG360 published a portrait about the Equilibrium Institute’s director, Tamás Boros
- Infostart.hu has written about our book launch
- Interview with Gábor Filippov in the newspaper entitled “Business and Psychology” about questions determining the faith of generations
- Interview with Tamás Boros about our policy paper detailing economic growth
- Join us for Hungary’s new leading security policy conference!
- Let’s save 13,000 Hungarian lives yearly! Consultation series together with Diana Ürge-Vorsatz and Barbara Botos
- Magyar Hang – A Túlélő Magazin, conducted an interview with the institute’s director for research, Gábor Filippov
- Megatrend Index | 2024
- Megatrend Index January 2021
- Nepszava wrote a report on a conference about the EU’s future, attended by Gabor Filippov
- New Climate Policy Expert on board!
- New partners in Kazakhstan!
- New report published by GLOBSEC on gender equality and women’s media participation in Central Europe
- Our Colleague, Dániel Bartha contributed to a study by Visegrád Insight
- Our colleagues wrote an essay upon request from the newspaper Márkamonitor
- Our director for research, Gábor Filippov was the guest of atv
- Our experts participated as invited speakers at the Warsaw Security Forum
- Our policy paper on education was referenced in an interview published by the newspaper Népszava
- Our policy proposals are on the new government’s table
- Our.Future:Visegrad 2025
- Partnership agreement with one of the leading European think tanks
- Portfolio.hu has written about our online event detailing economic growth
- Portfolio.hu’s live updates at our online event discussing economic growth
- Press Release: Economic Forecast – Winter 2022
- Read more about our media presence in Hungarian
- Read the interview with Tamás Boros in the weekly newspaper, Jelen
- Referring to our policy paper about education, Merce wrote an article on teachers in Hungary
- Regional Cooperation in Central Europe
- Réka Szemerkényi, former Ambassador of Hungary to Washington, joined the Equilibirium Institute as Senior Advisor for Foreign and Security Policy
- Report on the activities of the Equilibrium Institute in 2023
- Report: Post-election outlook for the Hungarian economy
- Research on poverty
- Research on poverty
- Research on poverty
- Research on poverty
- Research on Poverty | 2024
- Richard G. Wilkinson gave a lecture on the closing of the Equilibrium Institute’s event series
- Summary and recommendations / NATO AND HUNGARY 2030 Conference
- Tamás Boros and Réka Szemerkényi had the pleasure of attending the Warsaw Security Forum
- Tamás Boros gave an interview to the online newspaper index.hu
- Tamás Boros gave an interview to the radio channel “Civil Rádió”
- Tamás Boros gave an interview to the website of the 15th district of Budapest
- Tamás Boros was invited to AmCham Hungary to speak about the future of educatiom
- Tamás Boros was the guest of the Tv channel N1
- Tamás Boros, the director of Equilibrium Institute was the gust of the she radio show entitled Hangoló on the radio Karc FM
- Tamás Boros, the director of our think tank gave an interview to the newspaper, Népszava
- Tamás Boros, the director of our think tank was the guest of N1 TV
- Tamás Boros, the EIB’s director was the guest of atv.hu in the morning show, START
- Tamas Boros’s article on voting rights provided from 16 years in Index
- The ‘Hetes Stúdió’ radio show hosted Boros Tamás
- The book entitled Hungary 2030 – A Future Vision for Hungarians is published.
- The Budapest Business Journal published a teaser for our online event detailing the Biden administration’s geopolitical goals with the CEE region
- The changing role of the state in the 21st century
- The Conference on the Future of Europe has come to an end!
- The Equilibrium Institute attended the COP28 climate conference in Dubai!
- The Equilibrium Institute has published its Megatrend Index
- The Equilibrium Institute has started working on its city diplomacy project
- The Equilibrium Institute published its City Diplomacy Index
- The Equilibrium Institute staff has expanded
- The Equilibrium Institute, Hungary’s new think tank, has launched
- The Equilibrium Institute’s economic forecast for Hungary
- The Equilibrium Institute’s economic forecast for Hungary
- The Equilibrium Institute’s economic forecast for Hungary
- The Equilibrium Institute’s economic forecast for Hungary
- The future of energy – Panel discussion organised by the Equilibrium Institute
- The long-term impacts of the Russian invasion of Ukraine
- The newspaper “Márkamonitor” interviewed Ákos Kozák
- The newspaper 24.hu published an article on our policy launch exploring democracy
- The newspaper Élet és Irodalom published a review about our book, Hungary 2030
- The newspaper hvg.hu interviewed our director for research
- The newspaper named Jelen hosted Gábor Filippov in their podcast
- The newspaper named Jelen published an interview with Gábor Filippov
- The newspaper szeretlekmagyarország.hu published an article on our ecnomic policy launch
- The newspaper szeretlekmagyarorszag.hu published an article on our policy launch event
- The newspaper, Azonnali has published an article about the Equilibrium Institute’s book entitled ‘Hungary 2030’
- The newspaper, hvg.hu has published an article about the first occasion of the Equilibrium Institute’s event series entitled ‘Future Forum Danubia 2020’
- The newspaper, mandiner wrote about the MCC’s event, where Balázs Orbán and Tamás Boros shared their views
- The newspaper, Pesti Hírlap wrote about our air pollution paper
- The online newspaper hírklikk.hu has started the year 2021 with us
- The online newspaper index.hu has published an article about our paper on air pollution
- The online newspaper ujszo.com has written about our book entitled Hungary 2030
- The online newspaper, 24.hu wrote about the Megatrend Index of the Equilibrium Institute
- The online newspaper, gondola.hu has published an article about our book entitled Hungary 2030
- The online newspaper, index.hu has published an article about our think tank
- The online newspaper, Népszava online wrote about our think tanks first event
- The online newspaper, pénzcentrum wrote about the Megatrend Index of the Equilibrium Institute
- The online newspaper, szeretlekmagyarorszag.hu interviewed Tamás Boros, the institute’s director and Gábor Filippov, the institute’s director for research
- The online newspaper, szeretlekmagyarorszag.hu published an article about our study on air pollution
- The radi channel, “Inforádió” did a report on our policy paper detailing the importance of democratic skills as an integral part of education
- The radio channel Klubrádió hosted Tamás Boros
- The TV channel atv hosted Gábor Filippov
- This short report aired on inforádió about our economic policy launch
- Tomáš Sedláček gave a lecture on the conference series of the Equilibrium Institute
- We are launching a new project to share Hungarian experiences on decarbonisation!
- We attended the Central European Energy Conference
- We have a new colleague!
- We have entered into a new partnership with Matthias Bel Institute
- We have visited the GLOBSEC Forum
- We organized Hungary’s new leading security policy event, the Budapest Energy and Security Talks conference!
- We participated in a three-day workshop in Bratislava
- We presented our policy proposals for building renovation to the State Secretary of the Ministry for Economic Development
- Women’s Voices in the Media: A Look at Central Europe
- Zoltán Balázs, a member of EIB’s board of advisors and Gábor Filippov visited Válasz online’s podcast
- Zsófia Gergely’s interviróew with Gábor Filippov