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We are proud to announce that we reached an agreement with the European Policy Center at the end of last year to launch joint projects with the Brussels based think-tank and join a wider network of researchers.
Equilibrium Institute has entered into an agreement with a number of European think tanks and institutions, most recently with the Matthias Bel Institute in Bratislava. The negotiations with the European Policy Center were not only inspiring but also fruitful, and we are proud to have entered into a formal partnership with one of Europe’s most renowned think tanks, based in Brussels.
In the document signed in December 2021, we stated that we will launch joint research projects, organize research groups and events, work on joint applications, and welcome each other’s researchers to our own conferences.
Thanks to the new partnership, Equilibrium Institute will have the opportunity to join a wider European network of researchers. The agreement is for two years, after which the Equilibrium Institute and the European Policy Center will review the results of the cooperation and decide on its continuation.