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Become a supporter of the Equilibrium Institute!

The primary source of the Equilibrium Institute’s funding are donations by private individuals who are committed to Hungary’s future. We are supported by people who share our deep desire for Hungary to be more successful in 2030. People who want our public discourse to focus on the future rather than the past. People who do not want politics to centre on power but on our shared goals and the specific challenges we need to tackle to realise these goals.

The Equilibrium Institute is grateful for all donations and will devote them to expanding Hungary’s intellectual capital.


Support the Equilibrium Institute by bank transfer!

We welcome your donation at the following bank account:

Egyensúly Intézet Nonprofit Kft.

Erste Bank Hungary Zrt: HU59 11600006-00000000-82047966


Please add the following reference: Donation

In compliance with the Equilibrium Institute’s Code of Ethics, we cannot accept donations in excess of 10,000,000 HUF.